Count-Down Begins For No-Brainer: Extend New START Treaty


Date:2020-04-10 Source:FAS By:Globalmil Viewed:

Signing of New START treaty, Prague, April 8, 2010
Posted on Feb.05, 2020 in Arms Control, Nuclear Weapons, Russia, United States by Matt Korda and Hans M. Kristensen
作者:马特·科达(Matt Korda)和汉斯·克里斯滕森(Hans M. Kristensen)
One year from today, on February 5, 2021, the New START treaty will expire, unless the United States and Russia act to extend the last nuclear arms control agreement for an additional five years.
No matter your political orientation, treaty extension is a no-brainer – for at least six primary reasons.
1. New START keeps nuclear arsenals in check. If the treaty expires, there will be no constraints on US or Russian strategic arsenals for the first time since 1972. It would remove caps on how many strategic nuclear missiles and bombers the two sides can own and how many warheads that are carried on them. This means that Russia could quickly upload about a thousand new warheads onto its deployed missile arsenal–without adding a single new missile. The United States could upload even more because it has more missiles and bombers than Russia (see table below). And both sides could begin to increase their arsenals, risking a new nuclear arms race.
1、新的核武器条约使核武库受到控制。如果该条约到期,自1972年以来,美国或俄罗斯的战略武库将不再受到任何限制。它将取消双方可以拥有多少枚战略核导弹和以及轰炸机携带多少枚弹头的上限。这意味着俄罗斯可以在不增加一枚新导弹的情况下,迅速将约一千枚新弹头装配到部署的导弹武库中。美国可以装配更多的东西,因为它拥有比俄罗斯更多的导弹和轰炸机(见下表)。 双方都可能开始增加军火库,冒着新的核军备竞赛的危险。

Both Russia and the United States have large warhead inventories that could be added to missiles and bombers if New START treaty expires.
At a time when NATO-Russian relations are at their lowest since the end of the Cold War, when long-term predictability is more important than in the past three decades, allowing New START constraints to expire is obviously not in the US strategic interest or that of its allies. Very simply, New START is a good deal for both the United States and Russia; it cannot be allowed to expire without replacing it with something better.
在北约与俄罗斯的关系处于自冷战结束以来的最低点之时,长期可预测性比过去三十年更为重要,允许新的裁军条约限制失效显然不符合美国和其盟友的战略利益。 简而言之,《新削减战略武器条约》对美国和俄罗斯都是很好的交易。如果不使用更好的替代,它就不能过期。
2. New START force level is the basis for current nuclear infrastructure plans. Both the United States and Russia have structured their nuclear weapons and industry modernization plans on the assumption that the New START force level will continue, or at least not increase. If New START falls away, those assumptions and modernization plans will have to be revised, resulting in significant additional costs that neither Russia nor the United States can afford.
3. New START offers transparency and predictability in an unstable world. Under the current treaty, the United States receives a notification every time a Russian missile is deployed, every time a missile or bomber moves between bases, and every time a new missile is produced. Without these notifications, the United States would have to spend more money and incur significant risks to get the exact same information through National Technical Means (i.e. satellites and other forms of site monitoring). Russia benefits in the same way.
New START has forced Russia and the United States to reduce deployed strategic nuclear forces.
Why would we willingly give all that up – to get absolutely nothing in return (and actually pay a steep price for giving it up)?
4. New START has overwhelming bipartisan support––even among Trump voters. Not only is extension a foreign policy priority for Democrats, but polling data indicates that approximately 70% of Trump voters across the country are in favor of extending New START.
Additionally, senior military leaders like the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the commander of Air Force Global Strike Command have expressed support for the treaty. Even one of Trump’s own political appointees, Deputy Secretary of Defense for Policy David Trachtenberg, has testified that that “the transparency and verification requirements of the New START Treaty are a benefit” to the security of the United States.
此外,参谋长联席会议副主席和空军全球打击司令部司令等高级军事领导人也对该条约表示了支持。甚至连特朗普自己的政治任命之一,国防部负责政策的副部长戴维·特拉克滕伯格(David Trachtenberg)都作证说,“《新削减战略武器条约》的透明度和核查要求对美国的安全是有益的”。
5. We won’t get another chance. If New START expires next year, arms control between Russia and the United States as we know it is effectively over. Given the underlying East-West tensions and upcoming dramatic governance shifts in both the United States and Russia, there appears to be little interest or bandwidth available on either side in negotiating a new and improved treaty.

Moreover, although future arms control must attempt to incorporate other nuclear-armed states, efforts to do so should not jeopardize New START.
At risk of stating the obvious, negotiating a new treaty is exponentially more difficult than extending an existing one.
6. It’s easy. Extension of New START doesn’t require Congressional legislation or Senate ratification. All it takes is a presidential stroke of a pen. And at the end of 2019, Putin offered to immediately extend the treaty “without any preconditions.” President Trump should immediately take him up on his offer; as of today, he has exactly one year left to do so. But don’t wait till the last minute! Get it done!
6、很简单。延长《新削减战略武器条约》不需要国会立法或参议院批准。它所要做的只是总统一根笔。到2019年底,普京提出“无任何先决条件”立即延长该条约。特朗普总统应立即接受他的提议; 到今天为止,他还剩下一年的时间。但是不要等到最后一分钟!完成它!

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