Estimated Nuclear Weapons Locations 2009


Date:2013-10-26 Source:fas By:globalmil Viewed:


Some 23,300 nuclear weapons are stored at 111 locations around the world

By Hans M. Kristensen November 25th, 2009
作者:汉斯·克里斯滕森 2009年11月25日

The world’s approximately 23,300 nuclear weapons are stored at an estimated 111 locations in 14 countries, according to an overview produced by FAS and NRDC.


Nearly half of the weapons are operationally deployed with delivery systems capable of launching on short notice.


The overview is published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and includes the July 2009 START memorandum of understanding data. A previous version was included in the annual report from the International Panel of Fissile Materials published last month.



Figure 2:
Saratov Nuclear Sites

More than 1,000 nuclear weapons surround Saratov.

Russia has an estimated 48 permanent nuclear weapon storage sites, of which more than half are on bases for operational forces. There are approximately 19 storage sites, of which about half are national-level storage facilities.  In addition, a significant number of temporary storage sites occasionally store nuclear weapons in transit between facilities.


This is a significant consolidation from the estimated 90 Russian sites ten years ago, and more than 500 sites before 1991.


Many of the Russian sites are in close proximity to each other and large populated areas.  One example is the Saratov area where the city is surrounded by a missile division, a strategic bomber base, and a national-level storage site with probably well over 1,000 nuclear warheads combined (Figure 2).

许多俄国地点在彼此附近和接近大型居住区。一个例子是萨拉托夫区域,城市被一个导弹师,一个战略轰炸机基地和一个超过1,000枚核弹头的国家-级储藏地点联合包围(图 2)

The United States stores its nuclear weapons at 21 locations in 13 states and five European countries.  This is a consolidation from the estimated 24 sites ten year ago, 50 at the end of the Cold War, and 164 in 1985 (see Figure 3).

美国在13个州的21处地点和五个欧洲国家储藏核武器。这是从十年前估计的24处地点整合后的数目,在冷战结束的时候50处,而在1985年164处(图 3)。

Figure 3:
B61 Nuclear Bombs in Storage

Approximately 50 B61 nuclear bombs inside an igloo at what might be Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada. Seventy-five igloos at Nellis store “one of the largest stockpile in the free world,” according to the U.S. Air Force, one of four central storage sites in the United States.

Europe has about the same number of nuclear weapon storage locations as the Continental United States, with weapons scattered across seven countries. This includes seven sites in France and four in Britain. Five non-nuclear NATO countries (Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey) still host U.S. nuclear weapons first deployed there during the Cold War.


We estimate that China has 8-14 facilities associated with nuclear weapons, most likely closer to the lower number, near bases with units that operate nuclear missiles or aircraft.  None of the weapons are believed to be fully operational but stored separate from delivery vehicles at sites controlled by the Central Military Commission.


Is There a Nuclear Weapons Storage Site on Hainan Island?

Where does China store nuclear warheads for its ballistic missile submarines?  The naval base near Julin on Hainan Island has extensive underground facilities.  An alternative to the base itself could potentially be a facility elsewhere on the island, such as Foluo Air Base where construction of an underground facility began five years before the first SSBN arrived at Hainan. Or are the weapons stored on the mainland?  Click image to enlarge.

Israel probably has about four nuclear sites, whereas the nuclear storage facilities in India and Pakistan are – despite many rumors – largely undetermined.  All three countries are thought to store warheads separate from delivery vehicles.


Despite two nuclear tests and many rumors, we are unaware of publicly available evidence that North Korea has operationalized its nuclear weapons capability.


Warhead concentrations vary greatly from country to country. With 13,000 warheads at 48 sites, Russian stores an average of 270 warheads at each location. The U.S. concentration is much higher with an average of 450 warheads at each location. These are averages, however, and in reality the distribution is thought to be much more uneven with some sites only storing tens of warheads.



Finally, a word of caution is in order: estimates such as these obviously come with a great deal of uncertainty, as we don’t have access to classified intelligence estimates. Based on publicly available information and our own assumptions we have nonetheless produced a best estimate that we hope will assist the public debate. Comments and suggestions are encouraged so we can adjust the overview in the future.


Estimated Global Nuclear Weapons Inventories 2009

Country 国家

Weapons 武器件数

Storage Locations 储藏地点数目

Russia 俄罗斯

13,000 #1


United States 美国

9,400 #2

21 #3

France 法国



China 中国


8-14 #4

Britain 英国



Israel 以色列



Pakistan 巴基斯坦


4-8 #5

India 印度


4-8 #5

North Korea 北朝鲜


(1) #6

Total 合计



#1 approximately 4,850 of the Russina warheads are operational or active.The status of the other 8,150 warheads is unclear with some in reserve and the balance retired and awaiting dismantlement.俄罗斯弹头中大约4,850枚处在操作或活跃状态。另外8,150枚弹头的状态不易了解,由于一些备用、均衡退役和等候拆除。


#2 approximately 5,200 of the U.S. warheads are in the military stockpile(about 2,700 deployed);4,200 retired warheads are awaiting dismantlement.美国弹头中大约5,200枚是军事储藏(大约2,700枚部署);4,200枚退役弹头正在等候拆除。


#3 In 13 states and five European countries(Belgium,Germany,Italy,the Netherlands,and Turkey).13个州和五个欧洲国家中(比利时,德国,意大利,荷兰和土耳其)


#4 Probably close to lower number,including six regional sites,one central site,and two industry sites.Some storage for submarine and bomber weapons also seems plausible,although co-location might occur.或许接近较低数目,包括六个地区地点,一个中央地点和二个工业地点。一些储藏用于潜艇和轰炸机武器也似是真实的,但是共同地点可能存在。


#5 The range reflects uncertainty about the number and locations of Pakistan and India's nuclear facilities.有关巴基斯坦和印度的核设施数目和位置考虑不确定性。


#6 We're not aware of publicly available information that shows that North Korea has operationalized its nuclear weapons capability.我们不知道公开可得的信息来表明朝鲜已经具有它的可操作核武器能力。

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