Factors of conflict in the early 21st century(1)


Date:2009-12-25 Source:Army By:Leonhard, Robert R Viewed:


Factors of conflict in the early 21st century
Army, Jan 2003 by Leonhard, Robert R

作者 罗伯特.R.里恩哈德,发表于2003年1月刊的《陆军》杂志

Reading through any general military history of the world, you can see that scholars have categorized various time periods not just chronologically, but qualitatively. We think of 17th-century warfare as the period of the musket and pike, while the early 19th century was all about Napoleonic warfare. In ancient China, we associate the fifth through third centuries B.C. as the period of the warring states-a time in which warfare was dominated by conflict between similarly organized states. A decidedly different dynamic began to unfold over the next century as the first of many Mongoloid invaders, the Hsiang-nu, began to invade China. In place of symmetrical, ritualistic campaigns against another organized state, this latter threat pitted the steppe against the city. In a similar fashion, we tend to view periods of military history in terms of their qualitative distinctiveness.


What, then, will historians say of the early 21st century? Pundits and practitioners of modern warfare agree that things have changed significantly over the past several decades. The technological, cultural and political contexts of war are quite different from those of even 30 years ago. When future scholars look back on the early years of the 21st century how will they characterize military art and science? The purpose of this article is to suggest the dominant factors of early 21st century warfare from an American perspective. The key issue for these factors is whether each is truly an enduring characteristic of modem warfare, or simply a temporary anomaly. In my view, the following factors are likely to persist for the foreseeable future, but on this there is clearly room for debate.


In my book, Fighting by Minutes: Time and the Art of War, I suggested a model for thinking about frequency in war. Frequency is simply the rate at which events happen. In high-frequency warfare, individual events such as decisive maneuvers, battles and invasions happen very rapidly in succession. In low-frequency warfare, significant events are separated by long periods of relative inactivity.


The amplitude of conflict refers to the combat power associated with a given event. High-amplitude events are very destructive and significant. Low-amplitude events by themselves are not significant. Obviously, the detonation of a nuclear warhead is a high-amplitude event. Amplitude, however, does not depend simply on the yield of destructive power. A single assassin's bullet striking down an important political or religious leader can have far-reaching consequences and can thus be considered a high-amplitude event.


This simple metaphor for the power and tempo (amplitude and frequency) of conflict is useful for characterizing a given period of warfare. While any period can experience various degrees of frequency and amplitude, the period from 1914 through the end of the Cold War is best characterized as high-frequency, low-amplitude conflict. Warfare, both conventional and unconventional, tended to unfold in campaigns of predictable and relatively short duration. Many such campaigns together composed wars.


By way of contrast, early 21st-- century conflict will tend in the opposite direction. Conflict will be, with some exceptions, lowfrequency, high-amplitude affairs. There are many reasons for this, but the chief one is that American dominance in conventional fighting-on the seas, in the air and on the land-make such conflicts an unappealing option for our adversaries. Instead, crafty opponents are much more likely to prosecute unconventional campaigns that unfold over long periods of time. During any given period, such events will be few but will have great political, economic, cultural and societal impact (hence, high-amplitude).


The implications of a switch from high-frequency/low-- amplitude warfare to its converse, low-frequency/high-- amplitude warfare, are many. Force structure, doctrine, materiel and training must all adapt to the change. Armies that succeed in the new warfare will not be optimized for high-speed tactical momentum, but rather for operational and strategic mobility and adaptability. During the long periods of relative inactivity, armies will have to rely on robotics, surveillance systems and a close integration of intelligence operations.


Among the many brilliant thinkers who wrestled with Napoleonic warfare in the early 19th century, writers like Henry Lloyd, Adam Heinrich Dietrich von Bulow and Antoine Henri Jomini gave the Western world a construct for thinking about modern ground operations. Jomini's paradigm for modern warfare has continued as the norm down to the present. His constructs included the base of operations, from which an army drew supplies and reinforcements, and the objective, the (usually) geographical point that the attacking army must reach in order to be victorious. Between the base of operations and the objective stretched the line of operations along which the army had to advance, often fighting sequential engagements against the enemy's defending army. Finally, from the rear of the army back to the base of operations was the indispensable line of communications, along which supplies and reinforcements would flow.


All these ideas are familiar to planners today, and they still characterize conventional ground warfare. Recent operations in Afghanistan and elsewhere, however, suggest that we are moving toward post-Jominian warfare-when each of these ideas will be laid to rest. Massive armies enjoying huge, relatively secure bases in a theater are becoming rare. In their place are relatively small, high-speed joint forces operating from dispersed bases that are not in-theater. These joint forces do not fight along a line of operations, but rather move to and fight throughout the theater in distributed operations. Secure lines of communications supporting endless convoys of trucks are giving way to pulsed logistics that feature short-term, self-sufficient joint forces resupplied by precisely organized push packages. These changes are relative rather than absolute, and some of the ideas are still making the transition from the drawing board to the battlefield, but they all point to a withering away of Jominian constructs.


One of the most dramatic changes in warfare that has unfolded over the past few decades is the move toward formationless warfare. One could argue that until recently, military art and science has aimed at building, training and using tactical formations as the primary expression of ground combat power. From the phalanx to the legion, from the tercio to l'ordre mixte, from the panzer division to fronts in echelon, conventional warfare has featured coherent formations, each trying to break the other.


Early 21st-century warfare is witnessing the death of the formation, and this revolutionary demise is the product of two factors. First, Western military forces (and Americans in particular) have demonstrated the ability to destroy virtually any formation through overwhelming joint fires. Given the right circumstances, it is almost inconceivable that a modern armored formation could attack and maintain momentum against a robust U.S. joint force. Our ability to sense and destroy targets both with long-range fires (air, artillery) and in close battle render enemy armored formations as useless as a cavalry charge. Ground formations, once so powerful and coherent, now represent convenient targets, especially when they move.


The other factor that gives rise to formationless warfare is modern communications. U.S. joint forces and those of our allies continue to advance the art and science of networking. Where once commanders had to bark out orders across small battlefields and men advanced shoulder-to-shoulder, modern commanders collaborate over a network, and joint forces synchronize lethal effects from distributed locations. The enemy likewise takes advantage of modern communications to plan and coordinate operations. What is conspicuously absent in these activities is any hint of a battlefield formation. In place of physical formations are cybernetic organizations capable of tapping into combat power on a global scale.


Warfare has always expedited military technology. In the future, however, the pace of technological development, particularly within the fields of weapons, communications, sensors and protection systems, will increase. More important, we will begin to see warfare which is characterized by prototypes rather than by mass production. This will be a challenge for American warfighting culture, because mass production was one of our greatest strengths-one that contributed no small part to our superpower status. The ability of American factories to crank out Sherman tanks and aircraft carriers was key to our victory in World War II.


In the future, however, technological innovations will graduate much faster and it will not be mass production capability but rather the capability to field and adapt to prototype technology that will win the day. There will be no technological end state to build to a treasured ideal of mass production thinking. Instead, each contingency will see military technology in a state of flux and sensitive to each particular permutation as technologies combine and clash in battle. Prototype warfare will demand an unprecedented level of innovation and flexibility among warfighters.


For much of military history, battle was a continuous struggle between weaponry and protective systems: spear and shield, sword and mail, shell and armor. In the future it is likely that the destructive potential of weaponry will outstrip most protective systems. Warfare will be more about detecting than destroying, because the latter will be a trivial matter compared to the former. Land warfare will become analogous to submarine warfare -it is all about finding and tracking the submarine. Once we have fixed the location of an enemy submarine, the battle is over; the destruction is a secondary matter. Likewise, land warfare, absent easily templated formations, will be about finding, identifying and tracking the enemy, rather than penetrating his armor. Seeing through the shield of noncombatants, being able to identify warriors who wear no uniforms and identifying hidden weapons caches will consume the energies of commanders.


The implications are obvious: we must invest in information, surveillance and reconnaissance systems. Gaining information superiority will not be a convenient add-on to tactical warfare, but will be the sine qua non of defeating the enemy.


Operational art-at best an ill-defined term-will wither away in the future. At any rate it will become so synonymous with strategy that the two will be indistinguishable. The essentials of operational art-theaters of operations and regional commands-will still exist, of course. Campaign planning, however, once easily confined to military operations in a given theater, will become so intermixed with political, economic, informational, societal and cultural factors as to quickly exceed the grasp and authority of regional combatant commanders and their staffs. The battlespace, when it grew beyond the Napoleonic battlefield, gave rise to operational art. It will now continue to grow beyond the capacity of operational art into the realm of grand strategy.


Within the American warfighting community there has been an enduring argument about what operational art really is. Some view it as something akin to grand tactics-- the maneuvers that precede and follow battles and that strive to ensure tactical success. Others have viewed it as the inevitable expression of industrialized warfare. Still others have argued that it is inextricably tied to strategic objectives and includes nonmilitary factors. In the end, we know where operational art is (between tactics and strategy), but not really what it is. These arguments have helped to shape and direct operational thinking, but what remains to be seen is if these same pundits will be able to perceive the demise of this precious art in favor of early 21st-century grand strategy.


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