Factors of conflict in the early 21st century(2)


Date:2009-12-25 Source:Army By:Leonhard, Robert R Viewed:

Future warfighting will be global to the point that planning for individual theater campaigns will be counterproductive. Successful warfighters will have to see the battlespace as a singularity, both geographically and with regard to the elements of national power-economic, military, political and informational. Putting together plans that account for these elements across a global stage is clearly in the realm of strategy, not classical operational art. Like the bayonet charge, operational art will become a relic-but one that some will not want to leave behind. Tactics will link (and must link) directly to strategy.


Warfare has always been among the most intense of human activities, but when warriors engaged in the drama of battle were isolated from the rest of society, common citizens experienced the violence only through books, paintings or the occasional letter from the front. With the advent of modern communications, the war has spilled over into the parlor. Cell phones, media, video, digital photography and the Internet have combined to bring at least some of the horror of battle to the home front for all to see. More than just a cultural curiosity, this phenomenon has deep political implications. This trend that began in earnest during the Vietnam conflict will grow to fruition in the near future.


Because warfare will tend to resolve into small scale (but high-amplitude) actions, the contributions of individual soldiers will count for more. As in the past, the most lethal weapon on the battlefield will be the soldier/leader who is fit, resolute, disciplined and skilled. Along with the requisite courage to fight, this soldier will have to demonstrate an unprecedented level of innovation and creativity in order to adapt to an ever-changing, complex situation.


This complexity is mostly the product of American firepower. The destructive yield of our weapons and munitions not only destroys enemy troops and equipment, it also chases the enemy off of open terrain into close terrain-- the infamous "dark places." It forces the enemy to abandon formations and high-frequency (predictable) warfare in favor of dispersion and low-frequency (less predictable), high-amplitude warfare. It leads the enemy to surround himself with noncombatants to be used as a political shield against our fires. Americans cringe with disgust at such practices, partly from a sense of moral repugnance, and partly from frustration at the effectiveness of such tactics.


If we intend to project combat power into the complex battlespace of the future, we must shift our focus from the relative simplicity of mass, armored warfare into the challenge of post-Jominian, formationless, distributed operations. We must cease thinking of the dark places-cities, mountains, jungles-as tough problems and instead learn to view them as opportunities for creative maneuver. Field Marshal William Slim in Burma made this kind of mental leap when he learned to find and exploit the advantages of jungle warfare and turned the tables on the Japanese. For him and his forces, the jungle was transformed from a feared obstacle into an advantage.


Complexity in the battlespace demands that we shift focus from attrition-based mass to purpose-based distribution, from apocalyptic, episodic fires to high-fidelity, continuous sensors and from deliberate risk aversion to informed risk-taking. We cannot continue to build and train the force for the central battle in Europe when the future is unfolding in the mountains of Asia, the jungles of Africa and the cities of the world.


We will know that we have graduated into an understanding of modern warfare when our leadership culture comes to view complexity and chaos not as a problem, but as an opportunity.


The most visible change that must occur in the Army of the early 21st century is the move to small force theory. In fact, the Army's delay in getting there is becoming a palpable roadblock to the future. Instead of inching cautiously away from divisions and corps, we should be leaping toward brigade-sized battle groups that are born joint rather than retrofitted. The small force of the future-- fast, flexible and attended by a pillar of cloud and fire (that is, joint fires) wherever they go-must become the principal expression of Army combat power.


The small force must be as familiar with its joint partners as it is with gunnery tables. The commander of the small force must be trained to master both tactics and grand strategy because he will operate simultaneously in both worlds (although he can forget about operational art, which will become a meaningless term). The small force will forego the movement to contact (an operation designed for blind men trying to figure out the elephant) in favor of high-speed, destructive raids. Leaders of the small force will stop studying the Battle of the Bulge and read about James (Jeb) Stuart's ride around George McClellan instead. The small force will excel in deep maneuvers into vulnerable enemy territory, with the hope that the enemy will give chase and surround it. Like Jan Zizka's wagenburg during the Hussite Revolution, the small force prefers to be encircled so that it can unleash all of its destructive power on enemy armed forces and then finish them off with a counterattack. Wherever the small force goes, it is a touchstone for grand strategy, shocking joint fires and tactical overmatch.


One of the greatest challenges for American strategists in the early 21st century will be legal reform. Heretofore we have reclined in a belief that legal matters-international law, Geneva/Hague, rules of engagement and dealing with enemy combatants after capture-were matters for lawyers and judges. In fact, to adapt a famous quote, "Law is too important to be left to lawyers." Law is part of strategy. Watching the war on terror unfold, it is obvious that our laws and international agreements are seriously lagging behind, adrift in anachronism and effete ideology.


Like bacteria that have become resistant to penicillin, modern opponents of the United States have adapted themselves to our laws. Indeed, while our military, political and economic strengths are feared and admired, our legal system has become a laughingstock, a tool for the enemy. American culture must shake itself from the idea that legal precedent is the end-all and be-all of law and evolve with the times. Grand strategy's embrace includes legal issues, and if we ignore those issues and refuse to adapt, our strategy will not prevail.


In short, we must take a grand strategic view, not only an ideological view, concerning law. In the end, the law must provide for the rapid destruction of terror if we intend to deter future adversaries.


These, then, are the emerging factors of early 21st century warfare-from an American point of view. When styles of conflict have changed throughout history, kingdoms, empires and nations have been faced with the difficult task of adapting or dying. The jury is still out on this latest set of changes, but if we shrink from grasping the future and instead long for the glory of the past, our efforts will be doomed and others will rise to power.


Standing over the grave of Frederick the Great, Napoleon is reported to have observed that had the king been alive, the French could not have prevailed over Prussia. In fact it was not the passing of a great tactician that doomed Prussia, but rather the collective failure to adapt to the realities of 19th-century strategy. What the Prussians learned through failure at Jena-Auerstadt, let us hope we can learn through clarity of thought and professional debate.


By Lt. Col. Robert R. Leonhard 作者:罗伯特.R.里恩哈德 中校U.S. Army retired LT. COL. ROBERT R. LEONHARD, USA Ret., formerly taught military science at West Virginia University. He is a writer and consultant and has published many articles and several books on military strategy and land warfare.


    上一篇:Factors of conflict in the early 21st century(1)   下一篇:Dragon's Fire: The PLA's 2nd Artillery Corps(1)

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