Spain’s UME deploys multirotor UAVs to combat pandemic


Date:2020-04-15 Source:Jane's By:Globalmil Viewed:

David Ing, Madrid - Jane's International Defence Review
14 April 2020
大卫·英格(David Ing),马德里-简氏国际国防评论

Spain’s Military Emergency Unit has deployed modified multirotor UASs such as the DroneTools Hexa AG to assist pandemic mitigation efforts. Source: UME
西班牙特种军事应急部队已经部署了改进的多旋翼无人机系统,例如DroneTools公司Hexa AG型,以协助缓解流感疫情。资料来源:UME
Spain’s specialist Military Emergency Unit (UME) is making use of modified unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to support military intervention efforts to mitigate coronavirus outbreaks in large and often difficult to access urban areas.
As part of the military Operation ‘Balmis’, the unit has deployed as many as 1,100 of its personnel daily, with operations centred on cleaning streets and major infrastructure such as airports and railway stations.
As well as its other tasks in co-ordination with the three main armed services, the para-military Guardia Civil police, and regular police forces, the UME has been “seeking ways to improve procedures to each day be more effective in the fight against Covid-19”, a spokesperson for the unit told Jane’s .
在与三大主要武装部队,准军事卫队警察和常规警察部队协调的其他任务中,UME一直在“寻求改善程序的方法,使每天打击Covid-19的战斗更加有效 ”,该部门发言人告诉简氏。
For its Transmissions Battalion (BTUME) that has included fielding two DJI Agras MG1 multirotor UAVs loaned by local company Stock RC and a Hexa AG system from Sevilla-based manufacturer DroneTools.
对于其运输营(BTUME),该项目包括部署两架从当地Stock RC公司借用的DJI Agras MG1多旋翼无人机和从塞维利亚的制造商DroneTools公司获得的Hexa AG系统。
According to DJI specifications, the Agras MG1 has a 1,520 mm wide footprint and a maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of 24.5 kg. Eight 770 W motors enable it to fly at a maximum speed of 22 m/s, although it typically operates at speeds of around 8 m/s. It carries a 10-litre liquid tank and a quad-nozzle spray system that dispenses its contents between a 4–6 m width depending on its altitude.
根据DJI规范,Agras MG1型的占地面积为1,520毫米,最大起飞重量(MTOW)为24.5千克。八台770瓦电机使它能够以22 米/秒的最大速度飞行,尽管它通常以大约8米/秒的速度行进。 它带有一个10升的储液罐和一个四喷嘴喷雾系统,根据其高度将其内容物布撒在4–6米的宽度之间。
The DroneTool Hexa AG has a 1,580 mm wide footprint and a MTOW of 25 kg. It is also equipped with a 1-litre liquid tank and a quad-nozzle spray system, and typically operates at speeds of around 7 m/s.
DroneTool公司Hexa AG型的占地面积为1,580毫米,MTOW为25千克。 它还配备了一个1升的液体储罐和一个四喷嘴喷雾系统,通常以大约7米/秒的速度运行。
The BTUME modified these UASs to carry disinfectants and carried out initial testing by conducting “cloud spraying over open country and vehicles from a height of about 3 m, obtaining satisfactory results” for both types of targets.

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