China’s large-scale transonic wind tunnel achieves milestone


Date:2020-04-14 Source:Jane's By:Globalmil Viewed:

Andrew Tate, London - Jane's Defence Weekly
13 April 2020

In a 1 April test the 80 MW compressor of China’s large-scale transonic wind tunnel in Shenyang was run at full power and achieved its design performance, AVIC announced. Source: AVIC
China’s FL-62 large-scale transonic wind tunnel has successfully passed a major milestone, according to a post on the Aviation Industry Corporation of China’s (AVIC’s) official Weibo account.
In a 1 April test the tunnel’s 80 MW compressor was run at full power and achieved its design performance, marking a notable success for the domestically built 6 m axial compressor.
在4月1日进行的测试中,该风洞隧道的80 MW压缩机以全功率运行并达到了设计性能,这标志着中国国产6米轴向压缩机的显著成功。
Information on the design of the wind tunnel, which has been built at AVIC’s Aerodynamics Research Institute (ARI) in Shenyang, was made public in October 2018. The tunnel has been configured as a continuous loop, with a test chamber that can accommodate models up to 2.4×2.4 m and simulate velocities between Mach 0.3 and 1.6.
沈阳中国航空工业空气动力研究院(ARI)建造的风洞设计信息已于2018年10月公开。该风洞已配置为连续回路,带有可容纳最大2.4×2.4 米模型的测试室,并模拟介于0.3和1.6马赫之间的速度。

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