Naval Air: China Takes An Intimidation Hit


Date:2020-04-30 Source:strategypage By:Globalmil Viewed:

April 29, 2020: The Philippines is buying four Japanese FPS-3 air search radars for $103 million. One will be mobile and mounted on trucks. FPS-3 is a modern AESA (Active Electronic Scanned Array) type radar with a search and detection range of over 400 kilometers. It can track multiple contacts by indicating the direction, range and altitude of each contact. FPS-3 is used extensively by the Japanese air defense system. AESA radar is a 1960s development that, over the decades, got cheaper and more compact. It is now becoming the standard. AESA has better range and resolution than older designs. AESA uses a fixed plate of radar elements with radar beams directed electronically across the sky, rather than a constantly moving radar dish with lots of mechanical parts that are prone to break down. Japan has become a major source of AESA radars and other military technology that the Philippines needs to defend itself from China.

For example, in early 2016 Japan agreed to lease the Philippines five TC-90 aircraft for under a million dollars a year. Not only was this inexpensive but of great military value to the Philippines. The TC-90 doubles the range of Filipino coastal surveillance from 300 to 600 kilometers. Until quite recently it was illegal for Japan to do this sort of thing. Japan changed its laws in 2014 to allow for the export of military equipment (under certain conditions) and has supplied the Philippines with a lot more low-cost help like the TC-90s. For that reason, China protested this Japanese support for the Philippines because the expanding Chinese navy now has more eyes on it.

The TC-90 is one of many military versions of the popular King Air twin-engine civilian transport. Many are used for military purposes like training, transport, electronic warfare and surveillance. Japan has been using them since the 1970s. In fact, one of the most common military air transports is the King Air, with nearly 300 still in American military service. It’s not surprising that most people think of the King Air as a civilian aircraft because most of the 6,000 built since the 1960s have been for commercial use. Yet one of the first customers in the 1960s was the U.S. Army. Since then more than a thousand King Airs have been bought, often second-hand, by the military because the price was right and the King Air could get the job done.
TC-90是流行的空中国王(King Air)双发民用运输机的众多军事改型之一。许多用于军事目的,例如训练,运输,电子战和监视。自1970年代以来,日本一直在使用它们。实际上,最常见的军事航空运输机之一就是空中国王(King Air),仍有近300架仍在美国服役。多数人将空中国王(King Air)视为民用飞机就不足为奇了,因为自1960年以来制造的6,000架中的大多数已用于商业用途。1960年的第一批客户之一是美国陆军。自那时以来,军方购买了通常是二手的一千多架空中国王,因为价格合适,空中国王可以完成工作。

The Philippines also purchased twelve South Korean FA-50 armed trainers for $49 million each. All were delivered by 2017. The single-engine, two-seat jet aircraft is intended to restore combat aircraft capability in the Philippines Air Force. The FA-50 is the combat version of the South Korean designed and manufactured T-50 jet trainer. This aircraft was developed in the 1990s and entered service in 2005. The 13 ton aircraft is actually a light fighter and can fly at supersonic speeds. With some added equipment (radars and fire control) the T-50 becomes the FA-50, a combat aircraft. This version carries a 20mm auto-cannon and up to 4.5 tons of smart bombs and missiles. The T-50 can stay in the air about four hours per sortie and has a service life of 8,000 flight hours.
菲律宾还以每架4900万美元的价格购买了12架韩国FA-50军用教练机。 所有这些都在2017年交付。单发,双座喷气式飞机旨在恢复菲律宾空军的战斗机能力。FA-50是韩国设计和制造的T-50喷气教练机的战斗型号。这种飞机是1990年研发的,并于2005年投入使用。这种13吨重的飞机实际上是一种轻型战斗机,可以超音速飞行。加上一些额外的装备(雷达和火控系统),T-50变成FA-50战斗机。此型号搭载20毫米自动机炮和多达4.5吨的智能炸弹和导弹。T-50每次飞行可在空中滞留约4个小时,使用寿命为8,000飞行小时。

Since 2005, when the Philippines removed from service its eight F-5 fighters, there were no fighter aircraft in the Filipino air force. These 1960s era aircraft were not much of a match for more recent warplanes and were expensive to maintain. In the meantime, the Philippines used armed turboprop trainer aircraft for strikes against Moslem and communist rebels.

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