The improved KS-1A is launched from a mobile launcher mounted on a 6X6 truck, each carrying two missiles. 改进的KS-1A从在一辆6X6卡车上安装的移动发射装置上发射,每辆携带二枚导弹。
The KaiShan-1 (KS-1) is a medium- to long-range, all-altitude surface-to-air missile system developed by China Academy of Defence Technology (CADT). Developed from the second- (upper-) stage of the HQ-2 SAM, the missile is highlighted by its SJ-212 3D phased-array radar. The development of the KS-1 was completed in 1994 but it did not enter service with the PLA due to unsatisfactory performance. An improved variant KS-1A was promoted to the export market and Malaysia may become the first user of the missile.
“凯山”(KaiShan)-1(KS-1)是一种中-远程、全-高度地对空导弹系统,由中国防卫技术研究院(CADT)开发。从两级-(上部-)HQ-2防空导弹(SAM)发展,导弹系统最重要部分是它的SJ-212 3D相控阵雷达。KS-1的发展在1994年完成,但由于令人不满意的性能没有进入PLA服役。一种改进的KS-1A型被推销到出口市场,而且马来西亚可能成为导弹的第一个用户。
The 2nd Aerospace Academy (now CADT) began to develop the KS-1 surface-to-air missile system in the early 1980s. The missile is said to be based on the second- (upper-) stage of the indigenous HQ-2 (Chinese licensed copy of the Soviet/Russian SA-2 Guideline). The first test fire of the missile took place in 1989 and the missile was first revealed to the public in the 1991 Paris Air Show. The development programme finished in 1994 but the missile received no order from the PLA due to its unsatisfactory performance.
The size of the KS-1 is comparable to the Russian S-300, but its performance is much inferior to the latter. It is not clear whether the missile will eventually be accepted by the PLA, though some reports suggested that a small number of the missile may have been delivered to the PLA for trial and evaluation.
In the late 1990s CADT began to develop an The KS-1A has been actively promoted to the export market by China National Precision Machinery Import and Export Corporation (CPMIEC). In December 2005, Chinese state-run media reported that Malaysia has agreed to purchase the Chinese KS-1A surface-to-air missile system.
Designed mainly to engage aircraft and helicopters at altitudes of 500m to a maximum of 25,000m, the KS-1 can also engage air-launched tactical missiles. The single-chamber dual thrust, solid-fuelled missile, weighing 886kg, can engage targets flying as low as 0.5km and as high as 25km, has a slant range of 7km to 42km (KS-1A 50km) and a maximum speed of 1,200m/s.
设计主要在500米到最大25,000米的高度同飞机和直升飞机交战,KS-1 也能同空射战术导弹交战。单室双推力、固体推进剂导弹,重量886公斤,能同飞行在0.5公里低空和25公里高空的目标交战,倾斜射程7公里到42公里(KS-1A 50公里)和最大速度1,200米/秒。

The single-chamber dual thrust, solid-fuelled KS-1A missile, weighing 886kg, can engage targets flying as low as 0.5km and as high as 25km, has a slant range of 7km to 50km and a maximum speed of 1,200 m/s.单室双推力、固体推动剂的KS-1A导弹,重量886公斤。能同0.5公里低飞和25公里高飞的目标交战,倾斜距离7公里到50公里,最大速度1,200米/秒。
The basic variant of the KS-1 was launched from a fixed four-leg pedestal launcher developed from the HQ-2 launcher. Each launcher has two ready-to-fire missiles mounted on slant launch-rails. The improved KS-1A is launched from a mobile launcher mounted on a 6X6 truck, each carrying two missiles.

The early basic variant KS-1 is launched from a fixed four-leg pedestal launcher developed from the HQ-2 launcher. Each launcher carries two ready-to-fire missiles mounted on slant launch-rails.早期型KS-1采用从HQ-2发射装置发展的一个固定四脚支架发射装置上发射。每个发射装置携带二枚在倾斜的发射-导轨上安装的就绪-到-发射导弹。
The basic variant KS-1 is guided by the SJ-212 target acquisition radar mounted on a four-wheel trailer. The SJ-212 is the first Chinese indigenous 3D phased array radar featuring a search range of 115km, a tracing range of 80km and a guiding range of 50km. The radar is working at G-band, being able to guide six missiles to attack three to six targets. It is also said to have an impressive anti-jamming capability.

The basic variant KS-1 is guided by the SJ-212 3D phased array radar featuring a search range of 115km, a tracing range of 80km and a guiding range of 50km. The radar is working at G-band, being able to guide six missiles to attack three to six targets. It is also said to have an impressive anti-jamming capability. The improved KS-1A is guided by a more advanced HT-233 3D C-band mono-pulse planar phased array radar.基本型KS-1采用SJ-212 3D相控阵雷达引导,搜索距离115公里,跟踪距离80公里和制导距离50公里。雷达在G-波段工作,能引导六枚导弹攻击三到六个目标。它也据称有一个给人深刻印象的反干扰能力。改进的KS-1A 采用一套更先进的HT-233 3D C-波段单脉冲平面相控阵雷达引导。
The improved KS-1A is guided by a more advanced HT-233 3D C-band mono-pulse planar phased array radar, which operates in the 300MHz bandwidth and has a detection range of 120km and tracking range of 90km. It can detect targets in azimuth (360 degrees) and elevation (0 to 65 degrees). Coupled to the Brigade command & control centre, it can track some 100 airborne targets and can simultaneously engage more than 50 targets.
改进的KS-1A采用一套更先进的HT-233 3D C-波段单脉冲平面相控阵雷达引导,操作300MHz带宽和搜索距120 公里和追踪距离90公里。它能发现在方位(360度)和俯仰角(0到65度)的目标。连结到旅指挥和控制中心,它能追踪大约100个空中目标和能同时交战目标超过50个。
Missile length: 5.6m
Missile diameter: 0.4m
Missile wingspan: 1.2m
Launch weight: 900kg
Propulsion: Solid rocket booster
Operating altitude: 0.5~25Km
Operating range: 7~42km, or(KS-1A) 5~50km
Maximum speed: 1,200m/s
Missile manoeuvrability: 20G
Guidance: Radar command
Warhead: 100kg HE fragmentation, with radio frequency proximity fuse
Single shot hit probability: N/A
Max target manoeuvring capability: 4~5G
导弹长度: 5.6 米
导弹直径: 0.4 米
导弹翼幅: 1.2 米
发射重量: 900 公斤
推进: 固体火箭推进器
操作高度: 0.5~25 公里
操作距离: 7~42 公里,或(KS-1A)5~50 公里
最大速度: 1,200 米/秒
导弹机动性: 20G
引导: 雷达指令
弹头: 100 公斤高爆破片弹头,采用射频近炸引信
单发攻击概率: N/A
最大目标机动能力: 4~5 G