China may be signalling significant increase in nuclear arsenal


Date:2020-05-13 Source:Jane's By:Globalmil Viewed:

Andrew Tate, London - Jane's Defence Weekly
11 May 2020
China displayed its DF-41 ICBM during a military parade held at Tiananmen Square in Beijing on 1 October 2019. An opinion piece in the newspaper advocated an increase in China’s stockpile of warheads to 1,000 and in the number of DF-41 ICBMs to 100. Source: Via CGTN video footage
中国于2019年10月1日在北京天安门广场举行的阅兵式上展示了DF-41洲际弹道导弹。报纸上的一篇评论文章主张将中国的弹头库存增加到1000枚,而DF-41洲际弹道导弹的数量则增加到100枚。 资料来源:通过中国国际电视台(CGTN)视频片段
China may be intending to significantly increase both the number of nuclear warheads and also the number of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in its arsenal.

An opinion piece advocating an increase in China's stockpile of warheads to 1,000 and in the number of DF-41 ICBMs to 100 was written by Hu Xilin, editor-in-chief of the state-owned Global Times newspaper, and published online in the English-language version of the paper on 8 May.
官方的《环球时报》主编胡锡进(Hu Xilin)写了一篇主张中国的弹头库存增加到1000枚,DF-41洲际弹道导弹的数量增加到100枚的评论文章,并于5月8日在该报英文版网上发表。

In addition to Hu's opinion piece, the paper published a longer report under the heading 'China urged to expand nuclear arsenal to deter US-warmongers' stating that 'military experts' were calling for both an increase in the number of nuclear warheads and the establishment of a triad of land, sea and air nuclear forces, with the introduction of the anticipated H-20 strategic bomber and the JL-3 submarine-launched ballistic missile.

Although neither a report nor an opinion piece in Global Times can be assumed to reflect official policy, the paper falls within the ambit of the People's Daily newspaper - the media mouthpiece of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China - and so is unlikely to be advancing a line that is not at least under consideration by the leadership. Furthermore, the publication of two articles on the subject in the same edition appears to reflect the intent to draw attention to the issue.

The Global Times reporting follows testimony given to the US House Armed Services Committee on 27 February by James H Anderson, acting as the Deputy Under Secretary of Defence for Policy at the Department of Defense (DoD), who stated that the US believes that China will "at least double" the size of its nuclear weapons stockpile over the next 10 years.
《环球时报》的报道是在2月27日美国众议院军事委员会作证之前,美国国防部(DoD)负责政策的副国防部长詹姆斯·安德森(James H Anderson)表示,美国相信中国在未来10年内其核武器库存规模将“至少增加一倍”。

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