Philippines to procure ATMOS gun system from Elbit


Date:2020-05-07 Source:Jane's By:Globalmil Viewed:

Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - Jane's Defence Weekly
05 May 2020
乔恩·格雷瓦特(Jon Grevatt),曼谷-简氏防务周刊

The Philippine Army is set to acquire the ATMOS 155 mm artillery system (pictured) produced by Elbit Systems. Source: Elbit Systems
菲律宾陆军准备购买埃尔比特公司(Elbit Systems)生产的ATMOS 155毫米火炮系统(如图)。资料来源:Elbit Systems
The Philippines Department of National Defense (DND) is set to conclude its planned procurement of the ATMOS 155 mm/52 calibre self-propelled gun system produced by Israeli firm Elbit Systems.
菲律宾国防部(DND)将完成采购埃尔比特公司(Elbit Systems)生产的“自主车载榴弹炮系统”(ATMOS) 155毫米/ 52口径自行火炮系统计划。

The DND told Jane's on 6 May that Philippine Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana issued a "notice to proceed" (NTP) supporting the ATMOS acquisition, which is valued at about USD47 million, in early April.
菲律宾国防部于5月6日告诉《简氏防卫周刊》,菲律宾国防部长德尔芬·洛伦扎纳(Delfin Lorenzana)于4月初发布了一份“开始工作通知”(NTP),以支持ATMOS采购,总价值约为4,700万美元。

The guns will be acquired by the Philippine Army (PA), which will operate the systems through two batteries initiated under its Army Artillery Regiment (AAR) in January 2020.

The NTP provides Elbit with formal authority to start building the howitzers for the PA consistent with the terms of the contract, which was signed in early 2020. A delay in issuing the NTP is thought to be due to funding constraints.

The DND told Jane's that the contract was signed by the DND and International Defense Cooperation Directorate (SIBAT) of the Israel Ministry of Defense (MoD) and framed by an inter-government agreement.

It confirmed that the ATMOS contract has a value of PHP2.386 billion (USD47.2 million) and features the supply and delivery of 12 units. The gun systems are expected to be delivered to the PA from April 2022.

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