Russian paratroopers drop on Arctic


Date:2020-04-30 Source:Jane's Navy International By:Globalmil Viewed:

Nikolai Novichkov, Moscow - Jane's Defence Weekly
29 April 2020
尼古拉·诺维奇科夫(Nikolai Novichkov),莫斯科-简氏国防周刊
Russia's VDV undertaking the world’s first parachute jump from an aircraft at a height of 10 km in the Arctic close to Franz Josef Land. Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said Russian paratroopers performed the jump in commemoration of the upcoming 75th anniversary of the Soviet victory in World War 2 and the 90th anniversary of the VDV. Source: Russian MoD/TASS via Getty Images
俄罗斯空降军(VDV)在靠近弗朗兹·约瑟夫(Franz Josef Land)群岛的北极地区进行了世界上第一次从10公里高空的飞机上跳伞。俄罗斯国防部长绍伊古说,俄罗斯伞兵表演跳伞是为了纪念即将到来的苏联在第二次世界大战中胜利75周年和俄罗斯空降军(VDV)成立90周年。图片来源:俄罗斯国防部/塔斯社

Russia's Airborne Troops (VDV) performed the world's first group airdrop on 26 April from an altitude of some 10,000 m in the Arctic using special parachute systems and oxygen equipment. Following the landing, the team accomplished its combat training tasks, Deputy Defence Minister Yunus-Bek Yevkurov said the same day.

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) said three Ilyushin Il-76 transports airdropped the VDV unit on Franz Josef Land and then landed at Russia's most northern airfield, Nagurskoye (Alexandra Land, part of the Franz Josef Land archipelago). Before landing, one of the Il-76s airdropped 18 tonnes of cargo from an altitude of 1,800 m.
国防部表示,三架伊留申Il-76运输机在弗朗兹•约瑟夫(Franz Josef Land)群岛上空降了空降兵部队(VDV),然后降落在俄罗斯最北部的机场,纳古斯科耶(Nagurskoye)(亚历山德拉岛,弗朗兹约瑟夫岛群岛的一部分)。一架Il-76飞机降落前,从1800米高度空投了18吨货物。

Russian Military Transport Aviation (VTA) commander Lieutenant General Vladimir Benediktov said on 26 April that the airdrop was the first in the Arctic in Russian aviation history. It was preceded by the training of VTA crews involved in the airdrop, according to Lt Gen Benediktov. During the training, the crews analysed the manoeuvering and control of the aircraft as well as the functioning of their engines and subsystems. The airdrop was performed over featureless terrain without land beacons.
俄罗斯军事运输航空兵(VTA)司令弗拉基米尔·本尼迪克托夫中将在4月26日说,空投是俄罗斯航空史上在北极的首次。根据本尼迪克托夫中将的说法,在此之前对空投中涉及的俄罗斯军事运输航空兵机组人员进行了培训。在培训过程中,机组人员分析了飞机的操纵和控制以及引擎和子系统的功能。 空投是在没有地标的无特征地形上进行的。

The paratroopers wore clothing and used Arctic equipment developed by Russian company Gruppa 99, a subsidiary of Rostec's Kalashnikov Group. This comprises some 40 items, including the Nanuk outfit, a modular sleeping bag for low temperatures, an Arctic field tent, and various containers.
伞兵穿着防护服,并使用了俄罗斯国家技术集团卡拉什尼科夫康采恩的子公司Gruppa 99公司开发的北极装备。 这包括约40件物品,包括Nanuk全套装备,用于低温的模块化睡袋,北极野外帐篷和各种容器。

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