Iranian military unveils long-range surveillance radars


Date:2020-04-23 Source:Jane's By:Globalmil Viewed:

Sean O’Connor, Indianapolis - Jane's Defence Weekly
22 April 2020
The Iranian military unveiled two air surveillance radars on 19 April that included a long-range, low frequency station that appears to be a development of an existing system.
The Khalij Fars radar was unveiled on 19 April. (Fars News Agency)
“波斯湾”(Khalij Fars)雷达于4月19日启用。 (伊朗法尔斯新闻社,Fars News Agency)
The Iranian media identified the radars as the Khalij Fars (Persian Gulf) and the Moraqeb (Vigilant). Amir Samad Aghamohammadi, head of the Army's Air Defence Research and Self-Sufficiency Jihad Organisation, was cited as saying the Khalij Fars is a bi-static (where the transmitters and receivers are not co-located) radar that operates in a very low frequency band and can detect any type of aircraft or ballistic missile out to a range of 800 km.
伊朗媒体将雷达称为“波斯湾”(Khalij Fars)和“观察员”(Vigilant)。报道援引陆军防空研究与国产化圣战组织(Army's Air Defence Research and Self-Sufficiency Jihad Organisation)的负责人阿米尔·萨马德·阿哈哈莫哈米迪(Amir Samad Aghamohammadi)的话说,“波斯湾”(Khalij Fars)是双基地(发射器和接收器不在同一地点)雷达,其工作频率非常低并且可以探测到800公里范围内的任何类型的飞机或弹道导弹。

The Moraqeb is a three-dimensional phased array radar that was claimed to have range of 400 km and the ability to detect small aircraft and missiles at low and medium altitudes.

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