WB Group pitches FlyEye 3.0 mini-UAV for enforcement and medical logistics operations

简氏:WB公司推出用于执法和医疗后勤FlyEye 3.0型微型无人机

Date:2020-04-14 Source:Jane's By:Globalmil Viewed:

Jakub Link-Lenczowski, Krakow - Jane's International Defence Review
14 April 2020
Jakub Link-伦乔夫斯基,克拉科夫-简氏国际防御评论

The FlyEye 3.0 UAV is being offered to assist with coronavirus mitigation efforts in Poland. Source: WB Group
目前正在提供FlyEye 3.0型无人机,以协助波兰缓解冠状病毒。资料来源:WB公司
WB Group has offered its FlyEye 3.0 mini-unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to assist the Polish government in its efforts to combat the coronavirus outbreak in the country.
WB 公司提供了FlyEye 3.0型微型无人机(UAV),以协助波兰政府努力抵抗该国的冠状病毒爆发。
The company believes that the FlyEye 3.0 could be used to perform airborne surveillance in support of quarantine enforcement as well as deliver critical medical materials to areas with high rates of infection.
该公司认为,FlyEye 3.0型可用于执行空中监视以支持隔离执法,以及向感染率高的地区提供重要的医疗材料。
The proposition has been made during an emergency meeting chaired by Małgorzata Darowska, Plenipotentiary of the Minister of Infrastructure for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Singularity University, in late March.
Jarosław Zając, President of the Board of WB Group subsidiary Flytronic, which developed the air vehicle, said airborne surveillance systems might help law enforcement agencies during quarantine supervision.
“Taking [into] account [our] long years of experience, we won’t hesitate to answer [the] Ministry of Infrastructure’s appeal,” said Zając.
Besides surveillance, WB Group is also ready to supply its latest FlyEye MED mini-UAV that can carry up to 2.8 kg of medical supplies depending on the type of electro-optical (EO) system mounted.
除了监视之外,WB集团还准备提供其最新的FlyEye MED微型无人机,根据所安装的电光(EO)系统的类型,该无人机最多可装载2.8公斤的医疗用品。
FlyEye MED is derived from the FlyEye 3.0 for civilian applications and has been developed for an undisclosed customer. The company claims that it can travel distances in excess of 50 km and deliver its payload within 15 m of the target, making it suitable for providing on-demand support to medical services operating in austere environments.
FlyEye MED源自民用FlyEye 3.0,并且是为未公开的客户开发的。该公司声称,它可以飞行超过50公里的距离,并在距目标15米的范围内提供有效载荷,使其适合为在严酷环境中运行的医疗服务提供按需支持。
The basic FlyEye UAV is backpackable and can be carried by two operators. The air vehicle is capable of automatic take-off from any accessible location, even in confined spaces such as rooftops in highly populated areas. The modular system is also designed for autonomous surveillance and communications relay.
FlyEye typically carries a gyro-stabilised GS4 EO/infrared (EO/IR) sensor that is equipped with a high-definition daylight camera with 30x optical zoom.
FlyEye通常带有经陀螺仪稳定的GS4 光电/红外(EO/IR)传感器,该传感器配备了具有30倍光学变焦的高清日光照相机。

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