Boeing Australia advances Loyal Wingman development


Date:2020-04-14 Source:Jane's By:Globalmil Viewed:

Kelvin Wong, Singapore - Jane's International Defence Review
09 April 2020

The first Loyal Wingman unmanned aircraft prototype has entered the systems installation and functional testing phase following its latest development milestones. Source: Boeing Australia
“忠诚僚机”(Loyal Wingman)无人机的第一架原型机在其最新的开发里程碑之后,已进入系统安装和功能测试阶段。资料来源:波音澳大利亚
Boeing Australia's first Loyal Wingman unmanned aircraft prototype has stood on its own wheels and powered up its electrical system for the first time, the company announced on 8 April.
The latest development milestones follow the assembly of the first aircraft's fuselage structure in February and will lead to further systems installation and functional and integration testing from the aircraft's own landing gear.
The unmanned aircraft is one of three prototypes that are being developed as a part of the Loyal Wingman-Advanced Development Programme - also known as the Boeing Airpower Teaming System (ATS) - in partnership with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF).

"The weight on wheels milestone is when the main fuselage sits on its wheels for the first time," Dr Shane Arnott, programme director of the Boeing ATS, told Jane's in an emailed statement. "Power [has also been] turned on through the vehicle electrical distribution system which supports start of factory acceptance testing.
波音“空中力量合作系统”(ATS)计划主管谢恩·阿诺特(Shane Arnott)博士在一封电子邮件声明中对简氏表示:“车轮负重具有里程碑意义,这是主机身首次装在车轮上。” “还通过支持工厂开始验收测试车辆配电系统打开了电源。”
"The milestones allow for rapid progress on systems installation and functional and integration testing from the aircraft's own landing gear," he added.
"Following factory acceptance of the aircraft, it will go into taxi testing in advance of first flight, which will take place in 2020 in Australia - beyond that, we're not offering specific dates or the locations of the flight," Dr Arnott explained. "However, we know an aircraft of this type must be designed for rapid production and testing, and we've done just that."
“在工厂接收飞机之后,它将在首次飞行之前进行滑行测试,该飞行将于2020年在澳大利亚进行-除此之外,我们没有提供具体的飞行日期或飞行地点,”阿诺特博士解释说 。 “但是,我们知道这类飞机必须设计用于快速生产和测试,而我们已经做到了。”
The first prototype will also provide key lessons towards production of the ATS, which Boeing Australia is developing for the global defence market. It is envisioned that prospective operators will be able to tailor ATS sensors and systems to meet their specific requirements.
首架原型飞机还将为澳大利亚波音公司(Boeing Australia)为全球国防市场开发的“空中力量合作系统”(ATS)的生产提供关键经验。预计未来的运营商将能够定制“空中力量合作系统”(ATS)传感器和系统,以满足其具体要求。
Jane's earlier reported that more than 20 companies are supporting Boeing Australia in this effort, with design, development, and manufacturing of the prototypes being carried out across three undisclosed Australian states, although Boeing declined to name specific locations.

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