Images indicate possible precision-guided version of China's KD-20 LACM


Date:2017-08-12 Source:Janes By:Globalmil Viewed:

Neil Gibson and Richard D Fisher Jr - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
10 August 2017
尼尔·吉布森和理查德·D·费舍尔 Jr - IHS简氏防卫周刊

An image appearing on the PLAAF-affiliated 'Blue Sky' website showing a Xian H-6K bomber being loaded with two KD-20 LACMs with nose covers: an indication it uses an optical seeker. Source: Blue Sky web page
Key Points
·China may have developed a new optically guided version of the KD-20 land attack cruise missile
·Such a weapon would allow aircraft like the H-6K bomber to conduct attacks from greater stand-off ranges

An image appearing on a People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF)-linked webpage suggests that China has developed a new optical precision-guided version of the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) CJ-10K/KD-20 land attack cruise missile (LACM).
一张图片出现在中国人民解放军空军(PLAAF)-链接的网页显示,中国已经开发出一种新的光学精确制导版本是中国航天科工集团公司(CASIC)CJ-10K/ KD-20型对陆攻击巡航导弹(LACM)。
In mid-July the 'Blue Sky' web page, sponsored by the Society of the People's Liberation Army Air Force, featured an image of a Xian Aircraft Corporation H-6K bomber being loaded with two KD-20 and two YJ-63/KD-63 LACMs in which the KD-20s appear to have a protective cover partially covering their nose. This feature is used on some missiles to protect their optical or infrared (IR) seeker windows while in storage or being loaded.
The PLAAF's possible use of a new terminally guided version of the KD-20, perhaps designated the KD-20A, was first suggested by PLAAF analyst Hui Tong in his English- and Chinese-language blogs. He has also noted that as early as 2013, the PLAAF had upgraded the original 180-200 km-range KD-63 TV-based terminal guidance system with a model based on an imaging IR (IIR) seeker.
中国人民解放军空军可能会使用新的末制导型号的KD-20型,也许指定为KD-20A型,是中国空军分析师Hui Tong在英文和中文博客中首先提出的。他还指出,早在2013年,中国空军就以原有的180-200公里射程的KD-63型电视末端制导系统,以一个基于红外成像(IIR)导引头的模式进行了升级。
For guidance, the KD-20 – which is estimated to have a range of 1,500 km – has previously been reported to use an inertial navigation system (INS) aided by a terrain-contour-mapping radar altimeter, and possibly a global navigation satellite system (GNSS). An IIR-seeker-equipped KD-20 could enable the H-6K to conduct strikes from beyond the range of most ground-based air defences.

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