Myanmar in advanced negotiations to licence-build JF-17 fighter


Date:2017-02-02 Source:janes By:Globalmil Viewed:

Anthony Davis, Yangon - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
01 February 2017
安东尼·戴维斯,仰光- IHS简氏防务周刊 
A PAF JF-17 Thunder being demonstrated at the 2015 Paris Air Show. Myanmar is in negotiations to licence-build the third-generation fighter. Source: PA
After deciding to purchase 16 JF-17 Thunder multi-role combat aircraft in 2015, Myanmar is now in advanced negotiations with Pakistan to also licence-build the third-generation fighter, defence industry sources in Yangon and sources close to the Myanmar Air Force (MAF) told Jane's in mid-January.
If an agreement is reached, Myanmar's bid to manufacture the single-engine combat aircraft - co-developed by the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) and China's Chengdu Aerospace Corporation (CAC) - could mark a significant step forward in the country's efforts to expand its local defence industry.
As the MAF phases out its obsolete fleet of F-7M Airguard and A-5C 'Fantan' combat aircraft purchased from China in the 1990s, licensed production of the JF-17 Thunder would also mean that the aircraft will likely become the MAF's workhorse over the coming decades in much the same way as it has moved to prominence within the Pakistan Air Force (PAF).
由于缅甸空军(MAF)分阶段淘汰在上世纪90年代从中国购买过时的歼-7M Airguard和A-5C 'Fantan' 战斗机群,许可生产JF-17也意味着该飞机将有可能在未来的几十年里成为缅甸空军(MAF)的主力,大致相同的方式,它已经在巴基斯坦空军(PAF)崛起。 
At least 70 of the fighters are in service with the PAF, with the first ones having entered service in 2009. Expectations are that the PAF will induct up to 150 JF-17 Thunder fighters in the coming years.
The first of 16 imported JF-17s ordered by Myanmar are expected to go into service with the MAF later this year. Speaking on condition of anonymity, sources told Jane's that these aircraft will be of the Block II variant, which was first rolled out from the PAC's Kamra plant in 2015 and which, unlike the Block I variant, features an air-to-air refuelling capability and improved avionics and electronics.
缅甸订购的16架进口JF-17中的第一架预计将于今年晚些时候投入缅甸空军(MAF)使用。一位不愿透露姓名的消息人士告诉简氏,这些飞机将是Block II型号,该飞机首次于2015年从巴基斯坦航空联合体(PAC)的Kamra工厂推出,与Block I型号不同,它具有空对空加油能力和改进的航空设备和电子设备。 
It is unclear whether later deliveries to the MAF will include the far more advanced Block III variant being produced at Kamra since last year. Sources told Jane's that in the context of ongoing negotiations on licensed production, Myanmar is seeking to produce the aircraft's Block III variant.
目前还不清楚,随后对缅甸空军(MAF)的交付将包括自去年以来在Kamra生产的更为先进的Block III型号。消息人士告诉简氏说,在正在进行的许可生产谈判的背景下,缅甸正在寻求生产飞机的Block III型号。

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