PLA possibly equipping marine corps with ZTL-11 amphibious assault vehicle


Date:2017-01-15 Source:janes By:Globalmil Viewed:

Richard D Fisher Jr, Washington DC and Gabriel Dominguez, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
13 January 2017
理查德 D 费舍尔JR,华盛顿和加布里埃尔·多明戈斯,伦敦-IHS简氏防务周刊 

Posted on 11 January this image shows a NORINCO ZTL-11 amphibious assault vehicle painted in PLA Marine Corps camouflage. Source: Via Weibo
Images posted on Chinese online forums in early January suggest that China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) may be equipping its marine corps with the NORINCO ZTL-11 8x8 amphibious assault vehicle.
在一月初贴在中国网络论坛上的图片表明,中国人民解放军(PAL)可能为其海军陆战队装备北方工业公司(NORINCO)ZTL-11 8x8两栖突击车。
Published on the social media platform Weibo on 11 January, the images show the armoured vehicle, which is currently in service with the light mechanised units of the PLA Ground Forces, painted in marine corps camouflage being driven on the streets of what some say is China's Hainan Island.
To date the two marine corps amphibious brigades under the command of the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) have employed several tracked amphibious armoured platforms intended primarily to secure beachheads. The recently released images suggest that the marines may now also have a wheeled amphibious assault vehicle in the ZTL-11.
First seen in 2012, the ZTL-11 is derived from the ZBL-08 (often referred to as the ZBD-09) family of 8x8 vehicles, but uses an aft-mounted engine for greater stability. The vehicle is armed with a 105 mm gun.

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