The PLAAF designations for its general-purpose bombs normally consists the bomb’s normal weight in kilograms followed by a single digit to tell the different series/generations. The first-generation general-purpose bombs introduced in the 1950s/60s were based on the Soviet FAB 1946 series high-drag bombs. They were available in two sizes: 250kg (250-1) and 500kg (500-1). These bombs are no longer in service today.
PLAAF为它的普通用途炸弹命名通常由标准重量公斤数后面是一个表明不同的系列/代的单独数字组成。第一代普通-用途炸弹在1950年/60年制造以苏联FAB 1946系列高阻炸弹为基础。他们可供使用二种尺寸:250公斤(250-1)和500公斤(500-1)。这些炸弹目前不在服役中。
The second-generation bombs were developed in the late 1960s based on the Soviet FAB 1954 series high-drag bombs. They are available in four sizes: 250kg (250-2), 500kg (500-2), 1,500kg (1500-2), and 3,000kg (3000-2). Like their Soviet prototypes, these bombs feature circular ring airfoils for improved ballistic characteristics at supersonic speed. This series can only be carried by the H-6 medium bomber and Q-5 attacker in their internal bomb bays.

250-2 general-purpose bombs
250-2 general-purpose bombs carried inside the internal bomb bay of the H-6 bomber
PLA Aviation photo
250-2普通-用途炸弹在H-6轰炸机的内炸弹舱内携带 PLA航空照片
In the early 1990s a new series of streamlined, low-drag general-purpose (LDGP) bombs was introduced, designed for external carriage by fighter-bomber aircraft rather than in internal bays. They come in three sizes: 250kg (250-3), 500kg (500-3), and 1,000kg (1000-3). They have Western-style stabilising fins at tail and a single nose fuse. Each size of the bomb could be fitted with different types of warheads (blast, incendiary, anti-armour, etc) for specific combat requirements. They can be equipped by every fighter aircraft in current service with the PLA.
Later the PLAAF also introduced the fourth series general bombs, which are retarded LDGP bombs fitted with a high drag tail assembly for low-altitude attacks. These bombs are almost identical to the third series bombs apart from the tail assembly, which provides a high speed, low altitude delivery capability by quickly slowing the bomb and allowing the aircraft to escape the blast pattern. This series of bombs are also available in three sizes: 250kg (250-4), 500kg (500-4) and 1,000kg (1000-4).

250-3 low-drag general-purpose bomb
via Chinese Internet
250-3低阻普通-用途炸弹 经由中国英特网

250-3 low-drag general-purpose bomb
via Chinese Internet
250-3低阻普通-用途炸弹 经由中国英特网

(top) 250-3 low-drag general-purpose bomb; (bottom) 250-4 retarded low-drag general-purpose bomb
via Chinese Internet
(上面)250-3低阻普通-用途炸弹;(下面)250-4减速低阻普通-用途炸弹 经由中国英特网