Elbit Systems and its subsidiary Silver Arrow have added two new platforms to their growing UAV family. The Mini -UAVs, dubbed “Skylark” and “Seagull” are a new class of compact, man-packed UAVs, for very close range, over the hill missions.
Designed as ideal solutions for smaller forces, the Mini-UAVs are especially effective for yielding real time intelligence at relatively low cost. They can be used for both military and paramilitary applications including perimeter security, border and coastal surveillance, anti-terrorism surveillance and law enforcement.
Several launch options are available - by hand, by air from various manned or unmanned platforms or ground launched by hand or rail. Both models feature fully autonomous flight, real time continuous video and telemetry data transmission and rugged portable tactical computers for command and control.
The new Mini-UAVs are part of a full family designed for diverse missions. These include the Hermes 450, an upper range tactical UAV, the Hermes 1500 for Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE), and the Hermes 180, ideally suited for brigade-level Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance (ISTAR) missions.
The Skylark UAV was unveiled at the international defense exhibition at Le Bourget, which ended June 22. The Skylark was described as a man-pack system for close range, over the hill surveillance and reconnaissance. The UAV, designed for perimeter security, border surveillance and law enforcement, has a wingspan of 2.4 meters and has a mission endurance of two hours. Its payload can include a color television camera and a forward-looking infrared sensor. The Skylark weigh 5.5 kilograms and can reach a speed of 40 knots with a mission radius of between 5 and 10 kilometers. Controlled through full, downsized or man-portable tactical miniature ground-control stations. They are both compatible and employ a new Spectralink-developed data link.
云雀(Skylark)无人机在法国巴黎布尔歇(Le Bourget)国际防卫展上展出,在6月22日结束。“云雀”(Skylark)是描述为一种单人-装配系统用于近距离,在小山上空监视和侦察。被设计用于周边安全、边界监视和执法的无人机,翼展2.4米和二个小时的任务续飞时间。它的负载能包括一套彩色电视摄像机和一套前视红外仪传感器。“云雀”(Skylark)重量5.5公斤,能达到40节速度和一个5至10公里之间任务半径。控制通过完整、小型化或单兵便携式战术微型地面控制站。它们是两者兼容和采用一套新的Spectralink公司-发展的数据链。