Boeing rolls out first of three Loyal Wingman prototypes for RAAF


Date:2020-05-06 Source:Jane's By:Globalmil Viewed:

Kelvin Wong, Singapore - Jane's International Defence Review
05 May 2020

Boeing Australia has rolled out the first Loyal Wingman aircraft for the Royal Australian Air Force. The unmanned aircraft features a swappable nose section that enables it to be rapidly reconfigured for different mission requirements. Source: Boeing
澳大利亚波音公司已为澳大利亚空军完成了首批“忠诚僚机”(Loyal Wingman)飞机。无人飞机具有可互换的机头部分,可根据不同的任务需求对其进行快速配置。资料来源:波音公司
Boeing Australia announced on 5 May that it has rolled out the first of three production-representative unmanned aircraft being built under the Royal Australian Air Force's (RAAF's) AUD40 million (USD25.7 million) DEF6014 Phase 1 project, also known as the Loyal Wingman-Advanced Development Programme.
波音澳大利亚公司于5月5日宣布,已经完成了三架以生产为代表的无人飞机中的第一架,这是在澳大利亚空军(RAAF)4000万澳元(2570万美元)DEF6014第一阶段项目(也称为“忠诚僚机”(Loyal Wingman))下制造 -高级开发计划。

The type is the first clean-sheet Boeing aircraft to be developed outside the US and the first military aircraft to be built in Australia in more than 50 years. The three Loyal Wingman aircraft prototypes are expected to be used for testing and validating new technologies and operational concepts for future RAAF operations.
该机型是50多年来在美国以外开发的第一架波音飞机,也是在澳大利亚制造的第一架军用飞机。 三架原型“忠诚僚机”(Loyal Wingman)飞机预计将用于测试和验证澳大利亚空军(RAAF)未来作战的新技术和作战概念。

The fighter-sized Airpower Teaming System (ATS) aircraft will measure 11.7 m in length and have an operational range of more than 3,000 km. It will feature a reconfigurable 2.59 m-long nose section with an internal volume of over 1.47 m 3 and open-architecture payload interfaces, enabling an operator to easily re-role an aircraft for evolving mission requirements in-theatre "within hours", according to Boeing officials. The company declined to disclose the types of mission payloads that the aircraft will carry, although past reports have indicated that these will include intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) and electronic warfare (EW) suites.
战斗机大小的空中力量编队系统(ATS)飞机长度为11.7 米,航程3,000公里。据波音公司官员介绍,它具有可重新配置的2.59米长的机头部分,内部容积超过1.47平方米,并且具有开放式结构的有效载荷接口,使操作员可以轻松地重新部署飞机,以在战场上“数小时内”满足不断变化的任务要求。该公司拒绝透露飞机将携带的任务有效载荷的类型,尽管过去的报道表明它们将包括情报,监视和侦察(ISR)和电子战(EW)套件。

The RAAF earlier stated that it plans to test the Loyal Wingman aircraft's ability to team up with and enhance the situational awareness and survivability of its manned aircraft, which includes the Boeing multirole F/A-18E Super Hornet and EA-18G Growler EW aircraft, E-7A Wedgetail airborne early warning and P-8A maritime patrol aircraft, as well as the Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter.
澳大利亚空军(RAAF)早前表示,它计划测试“忠诚僚机”(Loyal Wingman)飞机与之合作并增强其有人驾驶飞机的态势感知能力和生存能力,其中包括波音多用途F/A-18E“超级大黄蜂”和EA-18G“咆哮者”电子战飞机( Growler EW),E-7A“楔尾”预警机和P-8A海上巡逻机,以及洛克希德·马丁公司的F-35A“闪电”II联合打击战斗机。

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