Space Surveillance Telescope in Western Australia captures its first images of space


Date:2020-04-26 Source:Jane's By:Globalmil Viewed:

Gabriel Dominguez, London - Jane's Defence Weekly
24 April 2020
加布里埃尔·多明格斯(Gabriel Dominguez),伦敦-简氏防务周刊
The Space Surveillance Telescope is seen here at the joint Australian-US space facility at Exmouth on Western Australia’s Coral Coast. Source: Commonwealth of Australia 2020
在西澳大利亚州珊瑚海岸埃克斯茅斯的澳美联合太空设施中可以看到太空监视望远镜。 资料来源:澳大利亚联邦
The Space Surveillance Telescope (SST) in Western Australia has captured its first images of space, marking “a significant milestone for the Defence space project”, Australian Defence Minister Linda Reynolds announced on 24 April.
2020年澳大利亚国防部长琳达·雷诺兹(Linda Reynolds)4月24日宣布,西澳大利亚州的太空监视望远镜(SST)拍摄了第一张太空图像,标志着“国防太空项目的重要里程碑”。

Reynolds said that the 360° telescope, which is now set to undergo extensive testing before officially entering service in 2022, will “enable Defence to better track and identify objects and threats in space including space debris, as well as predict and avoid potential collisions”.
雷诺兹表示,360°望远镜目前将在2022年正式投入使用前进行广泛的测试,“将使国防部能够更好地跟踪和识别太空中的物体和威胁,包括空间碎片,并预测和避免潜在的碰撞” 。

The US-developed telescope had been relocated from the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico to Exmouth on Western Australia’s Coral Coast through a partnership between the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and the United States Space Force (USSF).

Reynolds, who referred to the SST as a “game changer for Defence”, said the telescope will become “an important part of the global Space Surveillance Network [SSN]”, providing space domain awareness for the United States, Australia, and their key allies.

In a separate statement the USSF said the SST, which is now located at a purpose-built facility featuring a 270-tonne rotating dome at the Harold E Holt Naval Communications Station, achieved “first light” on 5 March.
美国海军在另一份声明中表示,现在位于哈罗德何特(Harold E Holt)海军通信站有一个270吨旋转圆顶的专用设施上的SST,它在3月5日实现了“首次亮起”。

The force said that moving the SST to Western Australia satisfied “a critical objective to improve the broader USSF Space Surveillance Network’s ground-based electro-optical coverage of the geo-synchronous space regime”.

“First light is a significant milestone in meeting this objective. It means that course alignment of the telescope optics with the wide field-of-view camera has been completed to allow the first images of objects in orbit to be seen by the telescope,” said the USSF.

In this context Lani Smith from the USSF’s Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC) was quoted as saying, “Whether it is space traffic management or the protection and defence of critical space-based capabilities, delivering sensors that continuously improve our ability to maintain real-time awareness of the space domain is essential to facilitate the broader needs of both the US and Australia.”
在这种情况下,引用美国太空与导弹系统中心(SMC)的拉尼·史密斯(Lani Smith)的话:“无论是空间交通管理还是关键性天基能力的保护和防御,为满足美国和澳大利亚更广泛的需求,提供不断提高我们对空间领域实时感知能力的传感器至关重要。”

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