China’s Norinco announces first export of HJ-12E ATGW system

简氏:中国北方工业公司宣布首次出口HJ-12E ATGW系统

Date:2020-04-04 Source:Jane's Defence Weekly By:Globalmil Viewed:

Gabriel Dominguez, London and Juan Ju, Bonn - Jane's Defence Weekly
31 March 2020
伦敦的加布里埃尔·多明格斯(Gabriel Dominguez)和波恩的胡安·朱(Juan Ju),《简氏防务周刊》

Norinco announced on 23 March that it has completed deliveries of its HJ-12E man-portable ATGW system to a foreign customer. Source: R D Fisher
中国北方工业公司在3月23日宣布,已完成向外国客户交付其HJ-12E便携式ATGW系统的工作。资料来源:R D Fisher
The China North Industries Corporation (Norinco) announced on 25 March that it has completed deliveries of its Red Arrow 12E ('Hongjian-12E', or HJ-12E) man-portable anti-tank guided weapon (ATGW) system to a foreign customer.
中国北方工业公司(Norinco)在3月25日宣布,它已向外国客户交付了其“红箭”(Red Arrow) 12E(“Hongjian-12E”或HJ-12E)便携式反坦克制导武器(ATGW)系统。
The company said via its WeChat account that the move marked the first export of its third-generation ATGW but did not provide any details about the contract value, the identity of the customer, or the number of systems exported.
The HJ-12E is the export variant of the HJ-12, which is presumed to be in service with China's People's Liberation Army Ground Force.
A full-scale mock-up of the system was first shown at the 2014 Airshow China, with a company spokesperson telling Jane's at the time that the HJ-12, which weighs up to 22 kg and uses a 1.25 m-long launch tube, is the first man-portable ATGW system to be fully developed in China.
该系统的完整模型首次在2014年中国航展上展示,当时公司发言人告诉简氏,HJ-12的重量达22公斤,使用的是1.25 m长的发射管,是中国第一个全面开发的便携式ATGW系统。
The spokesperson claimed that it is also the first Chinese ATGW system to feature a fire-and-forget capability, enabling operators to withdraw swiftly after a missile launch and improve their survivability. The system also has a soft-launch capability that allows for the missile to be launched within confined spaces such as within a building or a bunker.
According to Jane's Land Warfare Platforms: Firepower, Survivability & Mobility the HJ-12 has similar capabilities to the widely deployed and combat-proven US Raytheon/Lockheed Martin Javelin man-portable ATGW system.
根据简氏陆战平台:火力,生存能力和机动性,HJ-12具有与广泛部署并经过战斗验证的美国雷神公司/洛克希德·马丁·贾维尔(Manthe Javelin)便携式ATGW系统相似的功能。
The missile of the HJ-12 system has a diameter of 140 mm and is fitted with a tandem, high-explosive, anti-tank (HEAT) warhead that is claimed to be able to penetrate up to 1,100 mm of rolled homogenous armour (RHA) protected by explosive reactive armour (ERA).
HJ-12系统的导弹直径为140毫米,并配备了串联的高爆反坦克(HEAT)战斗部,据称能够穿透受到爆炸性反应装甲(ERA)保护的1100毫米的轧制均质装甲(RHA )。

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