Pakistan to buy Chinese attack helicopters if Turkey and US fail to deliver

简氏:巴基斯坦将购买中国的Z-10ME武装直升机 如土耳其和美国未能交付

Date:2020-02-28 Source:简氏 By:Globalmil Viewed:

Gareth Jennings, London - Jane's Defence Weekly
27 February 2020
The Chinese-built Z-10 attack helicopter could be procured by Pakistan should its first two preferences of the AH-1Z and T-129 not be delivered. Source: Via CCTV
Pakistan will procure the Chinese-built Z-10 attack helicopter if Turkey and the United States fail to deliver on their orders of the T-129 and AH-1Z respectively, a senior offer said on 26 February.Speaking at the IQPC International Military Helicopter conference in London, the commander of Pakistan's Army Aviation, Major General Syed Najeeb Ahmed, said that the Changhe Aircraft Industries Corporation (CAIC) Z-10ME "remains an option" if the Turkish Aerospace T-129 and Bell AH-1Z Viper prove to be unobtainable for different reasons.
The Pakistan Army has a pressing need to replace its 32 ageing Bell AH-1 Cobra helicopters that have been in service for more than 30 years, with Gen Ahmed's predecessor, Major General Nasir D Shah, telling Jane's and other defence media in January 2018, "The AH-1 helicopters have provided effective close support for our ground forces engaged in counterinsurgency [COIN] operations, but they cannot be employed effectively in high-altitude operations above 8,000 ft."
巴基斯坦陆军迫切需要更换32架已经服役30多年的老化贝尔AH-1“眼镜蛇”武装直升机,阿赫迈德的前任纳西尔·沙阿少将在2018年1月告诉简氏和其他国防媒体, “ AH-1型直升机为我们从事反叛乱[COIN]行动的地面部队提供了有效的密切支援,但不能有效地用于8,000英尺以上的高海拔作战。”
In the near-term, the army partially offset these limitations with the four Mil Mi-35s that it ordered from Russian some years ago, and which were delivered to the country in late 2017. Further to the Mi-35s, it evaluated the AH-1Z, T-129, and the Z-10 attack helicopters.
在不久之后,军队用几年前从俄罗斯订购的四架米里公司Mi-35抵消了这些限制,并于2017年底交付给该国。除了Mi-35以外,它还评估了AH -1Z,T-129和Z-10武装直升机。
In January 2016 it was announced that Bell had been awarded a contract for 12 AH-1Zs, and in April 2017 Jane's reported that the first three of 12 would be delivered in mid‐2017, with a second order to follow. However, the aircraft were yet to be delivered, and while there has been no official statement concerning reasons for delay it is understood to result from the current strained Pakistan-US relations.

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