China unveils two armed A-Hawk VTOL UAV models
简氏:中国推出两款武装型A-Hawk垂直无人机 Date:2017-11-22 Source:Janes By:Globalmil Viewed: |
“A-HAWK I”是一款电动垂直起降八旋翼无人机。采用高级控制系统和软件,飞行稳定可靠。环境适应能力强,搭载多种任务载荷,实现察打一体、高楼灭火等任务;可满足军事、警用、消防等多个领域的不同用户需求。其最大载荷能力65kg,满载航时0.5h,升限3km,巡航速度60km/h。
“A-HAWK II”是一款油动重载垂直起降多旋翼无人机。采用单一油动航空发动机,通过传动系统,带动4个变距涵道螺旋桨系统高效工作。高级控制系统和软件保证了飞行的稳定性与可靠性。环境适应能力强,搭载多种任务载荷,实现运输、察打一体、高楼灭火等任务;可满足军事、物流、警用、消防等多个领域的不同用户需求。其最大载荷能力120kg,最大航时4h,升限5km,速度60km/h。
North Korea confirms test firing of another Hwasong-18 missile
简氏:朝鲜确认再次试射“火星-18”导弹 |
North Korea fired a Hwasong-18 ICBM earlier that day. ... [2023-07-14] |
Equatorial Guinea negotiating Chinese frigate acquisition
简氏:赤道几内亚正在谈判采购中国护卫舰 |
Equatorial Guinea's Vice-President Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue is presented with a model ship during a visit to CSSC on 5 July. ... [2023-07-11] |
China adds additional J-16s, J-20s to operational units
简氏:中国在作战部队中增加了歼-16型和歼-20型战斗机 |
China has augmented its operational units with additional numbers of Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC) J-16 multirole and Chengdu Aircraft Industries (Group) Company (CAC) J-20 stealth fighter aircraft.... [2023-07-11] |
Paris Air Show 2023 AVIC unveils Wing Loong-X UCAV
简氏:2023年巴黎航展上中航工业推出翼龙-X型无人作战飞机 |
A 1:10 scale model of the AVIC Wing Loong-X (WL-X) displayed at the Paris Air Show 2023.... [2023-06-27] |