China’s civilian and military nuclear activities


Date:2010-04-14 Source:china-defense-mashup By:Globalmil Viewed:

The launch silo of China’s ICBM.中国的ICBM发射井

Apr.13 (China MIlitary News cited from Reuters) – Chinese President Hu Jintao is among the prominent leaders attending a two-day nuclear security summit opening on Monday in Washington D.C.


The meeting hosted by US President Barack Obama will focus on making atomic facilities and materials safer from theft and terrorist attack, not broader questions about arms controls and cuts.


Here are some facts about China’s civilian and military nuclear activities:


China has 11 working nuclear reactors producing 9.1 gigawatts of power, but wants to raise capacity to 60 GW by 2020, over 5 per cent of the total installed power generating capacity.


To reach that goal, China has 17 reactors under construction, and 124 more on the drawing boards, according to the World Nuclear Association (WNA) industry group.


The construction of Haiyang-I
 Nuclear Reactor in Shandong Province, China.中国山东省的海洋-I核子反应堆

The expansion will cause Chinese demand for uranium to rise ten fold by 2030, making it the world’s second biggest consumer after the United States, according the WNA forecasts.


China staged its first nuclear test explosion in October 1964. It joined the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1992, and is one of the five powers under that treaty with the right to have nuclear weapons.


Like all the nuclear weapons states, China is secretive about its arsenal. Foreign intelligence and expert estimates of its total stockpile of nuclear warheads vary from about 200 to 240 warheads.


The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute has estimated that by 2009 China had 186 deployed strategic nuclear warheads, compared to 2,202 for the United States and 2,787 for Russia.


“There are no indications that China is designing, testing, or producing new nuclear weapons designs,” according to Jeffrey Lewis of the New America Foundation, a think tank in Washington D.C., in an overview of Chinese nuclear arms policy.


But China is modernising the means to deliver its nuclear warheads. It is gradually replacing its older, liquid-fueled ballistic nuclear-capable missiles with solid-fuel missiles, which will make launching them faster and less cumbersome.


China is also building new “Jin-class” ballistic missile submarines, capable of launching nuclear warheads while at sea.


These will replace China’s one “Xia-class” ballistic missile submarine, which experts say is in mothballs.


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