Black Shark Advanced Heavy Weight Torpedo


Date:2025-03-10 Source:naval-technology By:naval-technology Viewed:

May 15 2014
Black Shark is an advanced, long-range, multi-purpose, heavy weight torpedo designed and developed by Whitehead Sistemi Subacquei (WASS) in cooperation with the Italian Navy.
黑鲨是由意大利水下防务系统设备公司(Whitehead Alenia Sistemi Subacquei)与意大利海军合作设计和开发的一种先进、远程、多用途、重型鱼雷。
Whitehead Sistemi Subacquei
High explosive STANAG 4439 and MURAT-2
高爆炸药STANAG 4439和MURAT-2

The Black Shark was successfully test fired from the Type U212 submarine Scire in January 2014. Image courtesy of Diego Quevedo Carmona.

The Black Shark heavy weight torpedo is designed and developed by Whitehead Sistemi Subacquei. © 2013 - Communication and Image Finmeccanica SpA.
黑鲨重型鱼雷由意大利水下防务系统设备公司设计和开发。©2013-Communication and Image Finmeccanica SpA。

The electrical propulsion system of Black Shark torpedo is based on a silver oxide and aluminium (Al-AgO) battery. © 2013 - Communication and Image Finmeccanica SpA.
黑鲨鱼雷的电力推进系统是基于氧化银和铝(Al-AgO)电池。©2013-通讯与图像Finmeccanica SpA。
The Black Shark torpedo has a length of 6,300mm. © 2013 - Communication and Image Finmeccanica SpA.
黑鲨鱼雷的长度为6300毫米。©2013-通讯与图像Finmeccanica SpA。
black shark
Black Shark is an advanced, long-range, multi-purpose, heavy weight torpedo designed and developed by Whitehead Sistemi Subacquei (WASS) in cooperation with the Italian Navy. The wire-guided heavy weight torpedo, designed for a life of more than 20 years, can be deployed to defend any surface or underwater targets and can be launched from submarines, surface vessels or land stations.
WASS demonstrated the Black Shark torpedo during the Euronaval exhibition in Paris in October 2010. The torpedo was also exhibited during DEFEXPO, a major international exhibition of naval and land defence and security, in New Delhi, India, in March 2012.
The Black Shark torpedo was successfully test fired from the Type U212 submarine Scire in push-out mode in the La Spezia gulf in January 2014. The Scire submarine was commissioned by the Italian navy in February 2007. The torpedo is expected to replace the old A-184 heavyweight torpedo deployed with the Italian Navy’s submarines.
The Black Shark is also integrated onboard the Hellenic Navy’s Type U214 class submarines, French Navy’s SSN Barracuda class nuclear powered attack submarines, the SSK Andrasta littoral submarine, and the Scorpene class submarines of the Chilean and the Royal Malaysian navies. The torpedo was also selected for integration on the Chilean Navy’s Type U209 submarines. The Indian Navy is also expected to procure the Black Shark torpedo.
黑鲨还集成在希腊海军的U214型潜艇、法国海军的SSN 梭鱼级核动力攻击潜艇、SSK 安德拉斯塔级濒海潜艇以及智利和马来西亚皇家海军的蝎子级潜艇上。该鱼雷也被选为集成在智利海军U209型潜艇上。预计印度海军也将采购“黑鲨”鱼雷。
Design and features of Black Shark heavy weight torpedo
MK 48 Mod 7 Common Broadband Advanced Sonar System (CBASS) Heavyweight Torpedo, United States of America
Lockheed Martin designed and developed the MK 48 Mod 7 Common Broadband Advanced Sonar System (CBASS) submarine-launched heavyweight torpedo for the US Navy.
MK 48 Mod 7通用宽频先进声纳系统(CBASS)重型鱼雷,美利坚合众国洛克希德·马丁公司为美国海军设计并开发了MK 48 Mod 7通用宽频先进声纳系统(CBASS)潜射重型鱼雷。
The next-generation, fully stealth Black Shark heavy weight torpedo is designed to operate in deep and coastal waters, and can be launched in push out and swim out modes at any operational depth of a submarine.
The torpedo has a length of 6,300mm and diameter of 533.4mm, and can be integrated with any submarine using compact Torpedo Board Interface (TBI) solutions. It can detect targets at a very long range and is capable of engaging multiple targets simultaneously. It is equipped with the sophisticated Acoustic Counter-Counter-Measures (ACCM) capability.
The torpedo is fitted with STANAG 4439 and MURAT-2 insensitive munition explosive warhead, and can track the targets in both acoustic and wake modes. It can easily interface with the sensors and computing units aboard the ship. It is also compatible with all new torpedo fire control systems.
该鱼雷装有STANAG 4439和MURAT-2不敏感弹药爆炸弹头,可以在声学和尾流模式下跟踪目标。它可以很容易地与艇上的传感器和计算单元进行接口。它还兼容所有新的鱼雷火力控制系统。
Sensors aboard Black Shark heavy weight torpedo
The Black Shark torpedo is equipped with multiple wake sensors for the detection and classification of targets. The sensor systems incorporate a fully digital beam-forming signal and data processing technique.
A state-of-the-art Advanced Sonar Transmitting and Receiving Architecture (ASTRA) active and passive acoustic head is fitted to provide multi-target homing guidance capabilities. The torpedo is firtjer fitted with a fibre optic wire guidance communication link that provides advanced communication capabilities. Black Shark can also be equipped with an audio channel.
“The Black Shark torpedo is equipped with multiple wake sensors for the detection and classification of targets.”
The Black Shark heavy weight torpedo is powered by an electrical propulsion system, which is based on a silver oxide and aluminium (Al-AgO) battery. Developed by Saft, the AgO-Al batteries are provided with high energy density and high electrolyte conductivity offering maximum safety and storage life of up to 12 years. The system delivers twice the power and energy of a standard zinc / silver oxide (Ag-Zn) battery.
The propulsion system also consists of very high energy contra-rotating direct-drive brushless motor and skewed propellers that provide a very low radiated noise. The stepless speed electronic control provides very high speed to the torpedo.

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      Black Shark Advanced Heavy Weight Torpedo  
          Black Shark is an advanced, long-range, multi-purpose, heavy weight torpedo designed and developed by Whitehead Sistemi Subacquei (WASS) in cooperation with the Italian Navy.... [2025-03-10]