US Navy revises ship numbers downwards
[简氏]美国海军向下修改舰艇计划数量 Date:2013-10-26 Source:janes By:globalmil Viewed: |
08 February 2010 By Sam LaGrone
2010年2月8日 作者:Sam LaGrone
In its latest 30-year shipbuilding plan, the US Navy (USN) has distanced itself from its ambitious 2005 plan of fielding a 313-ship fleet by the middle of the coming decade.
Instead the service has told Congress that it wants a 301-ship fleet by 2040, a force level that will require a consistent funding level of USD15.9 billion on average per year.
The new plan envisages a fleet consistent with the irregular warfare and ballistic missile defence (BMD) focus of the 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR).
Emphasising "reasonable levels of funding", the procurement of larger surface combatants has been curtailed in favour of smaller, cheaper ships such as the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) multirole frigate and the Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV), a shallow-draught intra-theatre connector.
The future large surface combatant programmes – the Zumwalt-class (DDG 1000) destroyer and the nascent CG(X) cruiser replacement – have been replaced by the purchase of more Arleigh Burke-class (DDG 51) destroyers, which will eventually incorporate the navy's Air and Missile Defense Radar (AMDR) development efforts.
将来的大型水面舰艇计划–朱姆沃尔特级驱逐舰(DDG 1000)和新生的CG(X)巡洋舰更换–已经被采购更多的宙斯盾级(DDG 51)驱逐舰代替,将会最终包含海军防空和导弹防卫雷达(AMDR)发展工作。
By 2016 the navy expects the new DDG 51 hulls will be purpose-built for the BMD role. Additionally, the navy plans to extend the service life of the Flight IIA Arleigh Burkes (pennant numbers DDG 79 and higher) to 40 years.
2016年海军期待新的DDG 51船体将会用于BMD任务专门建造。附加地,海军计划延长Flight IIA型阿利·伯克(弦号DDG 79和更高的)服役寿命到40年。
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